Kay Richards was talking about her real mom one day on set when it became crystal clear that we needed to add a mom character for her on My Spanking Roommate. Kay was first introduced to our sites about 10 years ago as a Never Been Spanked model. But her mom did occasionally smack her, she mentioned on set, but just not on the bottom.

Outtake from latest Kay-Mom scene – Kay says “aaaahhhhh my butt’s sore”
Enter MzFionaX, who works at a dungeon and looks just like she could be Kay’s MILF mom. The two ladies have a special bond in real life, with excellent chemistry and a sense of the daring. And they both can take and give a good spanking.
Their latest scene on the site runs out this week – so just wanted to give a shout out to two amazing spanking models with high energy who give (and take) so much!
April 1st, 2015 on 6:54 am
Ive known Kay Kym lovely girl for some time on your great sites . My Spanking Roommate is a great favourite .Yes Kay and her screen mummy are lovely together . My life and many others would be much duller without your sites and I mean that ,best from Tim .
April 1st, 2015 on 10:29 am
Thanks, Tim – very nice comment. I appreciate it and I’m sure Kay Richards (aka Kymberly Jane) does, too!
April 5th, 2015 on 1:47 pm
Camerama a Happy Easter from Tim to you and all the cute girls on your great sites ,best Tim.Cameraman .
April 5th, 2015 on 3:32 pm
Thanks, Tim, same to you!
April 6th, 2015 on 5:09 am
mother daugther spanking is alway good to see least we know some mother know how keep daugther in line with good spanking