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Birthday Spanking in Texas Halted

by on May.16, 2018, under Birthday Spankings

Well I’m headed to Texas soon for the Lone Star Spanking Convention, which I’ll blog about upon returning. But it is interesting that Texas is in the news right now because a small town school ended it’s birthday spanking tradition recently. Here is the story.

Kay gets a birthday spanking at work with a large wooden yardstick

In a nutshell, an elementary school (female) principal in North Texas is discontinuing her tradition of “birthday spankings” to students after parents complained. Watching stories about it, you will find that many of the parents supported the spanking tradition of having students called into the principal’s office for a spanking (the kid would need to consent, which they say 95% did). I don’t really have strong feelings about this story as far as for or against.

When Kay gets home, she gets another birthday spanking from her girlfriend

Growing up, I witnessed some birthday spankings that no doubt helped shape my interest in spanking. Hopefully the students will carry on the tradition themselves. I have filmed many birthday spankings, some real, some for scenes from the sites (which typically happen around the model’s real birthday to make it more authentic).

The maid gives Kay a third birthday spanking in the same day.

My favorite is Kay Richards (Kymberly Jane) birthday spanking in episode 75 on My Spanking Roommate. First she is spanked by her boss at work with a yardstick.  That left Kay sore.  But then when she got home, her girlfriend gives her another birthday spanking (with a hairbrush) on her already sore bottom.

Lots of spankings, lots of counting on the traditional birthday spanking

Then it gets capped off when the maid gives Kay a third painful birthday spanking using a wooden spoon.  And they went way over one spank for each year, starting over and over.

I’m quite certain there will be some birthday spankings happening at the Texas Lone Star party even if it is no longer happening in the schools.


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  • admin

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  • mike

    birthday spankings are fun all I been wanting for my birthday was birthday spankin cant find any female give me one I have feeling few model who would give me bday spankin can tell by talking to them

  • admin

    Best of luck finding that lady to give you your next bday spanking Mike! If you ever attend a spanking convention like Shadow Lane or Lone Star there is a good chance you’ll get one there.

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