Archive for March, 2024
Files On Clare Spanks Men
by admin on Mar.22, 2024, under Spanking
On Clare Spanks Men all of the files from the past few years and going forward will all be in the Mp4 format only. After 20 years we have filled up all of the space on our sites server and will be eliminating most of the old files in non mp4 formats from this site.
This file format (Mp4) should play on all computers and mobile devices. There will still be some very old files on the site in .rm or .wmv formats that won’t play on everything. But you can download a free VLC player HERE and it plays mp4 plus all other formats from our sites.
Roommates Reaches Episode 500
by admin on Mar.03, 2024, under Spanking, spanking soap opera
The 500th episode of My Spanking Roommate is up now and it stars Madison Martin and her friend Masked Mallory, who did her only spanking shoot ever for this special occasion. Mallory also did a Spanked Sweeties scene with Madison.

Masked Mallory is Madison’s real life friend who did her one and only spanking shoot with Madison (turns out she spanks really, really hard!)