For those who saw the Super Bowl halftime show, you witnessed firsthand Katy Perry dancing with sharks. If you didn’t see it, in short, there was a right shark and a left shark dancing next to her and the left shark was way off book, went a little crazy and has been a bit of an internet sensation (fading fast however).

Don’t try to make money off those shark images!
Where things get interesting, some guy tried to capitalize on the Left Shark by trying to sell some 3D print images etc. Well, Katy’s lawyers jumped all over this and are threatening this guy big time. READ STORY. So instead he’s giving his “shark” merchandise away.

Is Katy ready for her punishment?
Was he going to get rich quick? Doubt it. Was this guy exploiting Katy Perry? No, just someone in a shark costume, if that’s possible. Was Katy Perry on board with this herself or just something she lets her lawyers handle? Hard to say. But if she is, of course she needs a spanking for picking on the little guy.

Rhianna says Katy can spank her, but who really deserves a spanking?
Rhianna tweeted last year that she was game for a spanking from Katy Perry for not inviting her to some party. Well I am here to nominate Rhianna to give Katy the spanking she deserves for trying to take ownership of the image of someone in a shark costume. Someone needs to melt Katy’s Popsicle.
February 8th, 2015 on 6:17 pm
Now THAT would have been a great halftime show…
February 9th, 2015 on 1:06 am
Oh ya – it would’ve topped Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction as most talked about half time show ever!!
February 9th, 2015 on 7:10 am
Katie is a cute girl ,best Tim.
February 9th, 2015 on 7:11 am
February 10th, 2015 on 3:10 am
she another one of my female celebrity spanking dream where i be spanked by her or spank her
there few youtube video where she has spank her fans mostly kids 11-12 years old or year younger meaning when she gave them autrograph at concert she would swat them on the butt once when they walk away few was shock laugh and look embrassed
February 11th, 2015 on 1:32 pm
Cameraman for some reason when I logged in to Girl spanks Girl it does not let me in with my codes yet when I go on the others of yours im a member of it does please help ,best Tim.
February 11th, 2015 on 2:23 pm
Tim I can help you with this but you will definitely need to email me at because I will need to ask you a personal account question that should not appear on a public forum.
February 12th, 2015 on 10:57 am
Cameraman it is now working ill use the address you gave me next time ,best Tim.
February 15th, 2015 on 7:38 am
pic of her being spanked by husband my guess is she into spanking and might be spankee or spanker
February 16th, 2015 on 9:58 pm
hi cameraman i saw this pic on tumblr
and i wanted to know if it was from one of your films. it looks like lana
February 17th, 2015 on 12:54 am
Yes that is Lana from at least 10 years ago. Not on one of the sites (yet) but was released on DVD (and copyrighted).