by admin on May.09, 2011, under Spanking

I have filmed a large number of mother/daughter spanking scenes over the years, many of which were outstanding. But the two I shot recently with Snow Mercy as the Mom and Missy Gold as the daughter were by far the best.
There were two scenes, set one day after the other. What made them so electric was the combination of realism, with solid spanking and amazing verbal skills. It just all came together.
I normally comment mostly about behind the scenes and what it is like to work with various models, but I just feel compelled to push anyone who enjoys a great mother/daughter spanking to check out these two scenes, now on Hot Girls Spanked. Missy is very young, and she looks even younger. She understands the dynamics of a great scene. And Snow rivals Clare Fonda as the classic MILF.
Snow and Missy are very believable as Mother and Daughter, and they include many of the classic elements such as “Mother turns to spanking as a last resort; daughter pleads that she is too old for a spanking; Mother overpowers her daughter and puts the struggling girl over her knee….” In my opinion, this one is an instant classic.
:Crying, mother/daughter, spanking