by admin on Aug.18, 2010, under Spanked school girls

I had heard that Nikki Rogue had done some shoots for heavy handed sites. And Dallas and Shadow Lane spoke glowingly about her. She was indeed delightful, funny and she took on the much needed personna of the bad girl. Which of course gets her in trouble – but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Nikki can take it hard and has great reactions.
Natasha was another new model – never having done a spanking shoot before. She started working at The Dominion recently. She was very cute. And for some reason I thought she would be tiny, but she was tall, curvey and beautiful – which of course is a great combination. Here is the note that Natasha wrote:
Dear Marie,
I hate your stinking guts, you make me wanna vomit, you are the scum between my toes!
And here is what Nikke wrote:
This is m my report. I am cheating off of Sandy’s papr.
Nicole Elizabeth Rogue (drew smiley face here)
This was an unsigned essay — but April O’Neil was the only slightly late student:
This morning I was late getting up for school. I did the best I could to make it out to the bus but it had already left without me. My mom had already left for work so I ran the 4 blocks to school and I was just a little late. I hope I’m not in trouble I think the teacher noticed me slipping in after the bell had rang. It is going to be along day. (drew heart here).
:school girl spanking