Anikka Albrite is the latest Sweeties and she was indeed spanked growing up. She also spanked her sister and got lots of birthday spankings. She admitted in her interview that some of the spankings were pleasant – like the birthday spankings she got from girlfriends, and that now she likes a little spanking in her life.

Anikka spanks her sister, played by Ashley Rose
Off camera she did admit the spankings she got from her step-dad – one in public no less – were not so pleasant. She does talk about one she got from in a restaurant, with a wooden board, which of course would be difficult to re-enact, so instead we re-enacted one she got from him in their living room.

Anikka has an amazing bootie!!
Anikka is known for her juicy bootie, and for an adult model, she can take a really good spanking. And give a good one, as well. Just ask poor Ashley Rose, who played her sister who Anikka spanked.

Ashley Rose and Kymberly Jane plays friends who give Anikka a bday spanking
Anikka was such an outstanding spanking model – who has not shot spanking scenes for any other company as of yet – that we decided we need more of her. Lots more. So she shot with Mary Jane (also known for her juicy bootie) for Spanked Call Girls and that scene will be coming out in February. There are also plans to have her become a recurring character on the spanking soap opera My Spanking Roommate.
As long as she is willing to give and receive, there should be lots of Anikka Albrite spankings this year!