It was Snow Mercy’s birthday today and it is Veronica’s Ricci’s birthday tomorrow.

Snow’s bottom got birthday blistered by Nikki Rogue, Raine and others
I was there to witness that Snow did in fact get birthday spankings. Lots of them. Way, way more than one for each year of her life. Nikki Rogue gave her MANY whacks, along with many other ladies who attended her party chipping in as well.
Pictured above is a young lady named Raine, who is thinking about shooting for the CF spanking sites. Nikki and Snow instructed her well – as evidenced by Snow’s bright red bottom.

No telling if Veronica will receive birthday spankings or not
Not sure if Veronica will get any birthday spankings tomorrow or not. Above she is pictured from an upcoming scene for her site Spanking Veronica Works. Check out Veronica’s blog as she mentions her birthday.
Birthday spankings or not, I want to wish Snow and Veronica both the happiest of birthdays. They are two outstanding models who I also consider good friends and great people – so they deserve all that they get – from birthday spankings to happiness in their lives. Thanks to two great ladies and all the best!!
April 14th, 2013 on 8:27 am
Please pass my Birtday wishes to the girls ,they are great ,best,Tim.Birthday.
April 14th, 2013 on 10:48 am
I will – you can also wish Veronica happy birthday on her blog –
April 16th, 2013 on 7:05 am
i wish veorncia happy birthday on her blog and on her twitter i even offer take her bday spanking for her something tell me she much rather GET HER OWN BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS but iam alwat willing to let the birthday girls give me their bday spanking
April 16th, 2013 on 10:31 am
Yes i have ,best,Tim.