There is a very good scene up now on My Spanking Roommate that brings back Stevie Rose as a cop who believes in stern discipline. She spanks Elori Stix and Kay Richards for jaywalking. The scene features a favorite of many – the mirror shot, which is something that lets you see the face react at the same time you see the bottom getting spanked.

This mirror shot shows Elori’s bottom getting punished and at the same time her facial reaction
It works really well in this scene, which also includes the popular third girl watching the spanking, either anticipating what might happen when it becomes her turn over the knee, as Elori must do, or rubbing her bottom in pain, as Kay does after she gets the first spanking in this episode. It’s always a challenge to do the mirror shot – to not show any lights or a cameras, but it has a big payoff when it all works well.

Elori anticipates what might be in store for her while Stevie spanks Kay hard
Of course there are other shots as well, that focus on other elements to the spanking, including close ups of the facial reactions and the bottoms turning red. Stevie has come a long way as a spanker and she really packs a punch.

Some genuine rubbing and painful sitting going on here
Elori rubs her bottom at the end, and Kay has trouble sitting down – all very real expressions of what happened. Hope you all enjoy the mirror work.
September 1st, 2017 on 1:39 pm
Yes very clever Cameraman we can see the lovely girls reactions as the spanks are administered by the cute girl ,best from Tim .
September 1st, 2017 on 1:54 pm
Miss stevie rose rule best spank ne’er her spanking ha d
September 1st, 2017 on 1:55 pm
Miss Stevie spanks hard one best spanker ever
September 1st, 2017 on 4:34 pm
Thanks, Tim. And Mike, I agree, Stevie is very under-rated as a spanker – she spanks HARD!
May 4th, 2019 on 8:15 am
I use a mirror to get a good view of the bottom over my lap. I like the view when I check for wetness or check temp.