2012 was a year in which an unusually large number of spanking models turned in their paddles for vanilla pursuits. I don’t know much about most of their personal lives, but I do know the following models no longer work in spanking.

Hollie Steven sadly passed away last year. She was loved by many!
First, sadly, is Hollie Stevens (pictured above on My Spanking Roommate), who died so young and tragically. She was very successful – check out her bio on Wikipedia.

Then there was Natalie DeMore (seen in a photo from Girl Spanks Girl), who took her own life. You can read her story here. Our community was pretty shocked upon learning about Natali.
The other models, thankfully, just walked away from the spanking biz and I assume many are leading happy and productive lives – hopefully at least keeping the kink going in some small way.

Chloe Elise and Kailee were big stars!
Chloe Elise (pictured above with Kailee) was one of the stars of My Spanking Roommate, so it was a big blow when she retired from spanking. She retired just when we had plans to do a big shoot with her. Sounded like she was going after a 9 to 5 job and talking about marrying her boyfriend, though I haven’t kept in touch. Kailee (pictured with her) appeared on several of our sites, as well as many others and was at one point close to the top spanking model in the biz. She was always a blast to shoot and had lots of energy! Not sure what Kailee is doing, but whatever it is, I’m sure she is doing it well!

Lilia Espinoza (seen above in My Spanking Roommate) never really got started before she walked away mysteriously. I suspect boyfriend issues. We had big plans for her – we created a blog (now defunct) and declared her one of the stars of this site. I don’t know what she is up to now.

Sierra Salem in her last ever scene
Sierra Salem (picture above in My Spanking Roommate) also retired, though I never heard a formal announcement or anything official, like I did from all the others. She sort of just lost contact with everyone and word spread that she doesn’t shoot anymore. I have no idea where she is or what she is up to – but I hope she’s doing well!

Audrey Knight could give and take a spanking with the best of them!
Audrey Knight (pictured above from My Spanking Roommate) is a huge loss to the spanking community. She was building up toward what sounded like an epic site she was creating with her significant other when they decided to walk away. Audrey is so sweet, smart and both an amazing top and bottom. With her combination of domestic verbal skills and raw spanking power, one would be hard-pressed to find a better spanker than Audrey. I see that Audrey checks in on spanking blogs from time to time and hopefully she will leave a comment here. Audrey left a very sweet goodbye on her blog. It is the best way to see why she walked away and what she looks forward to next.

Clare can cry like a mo-fo
The final one to end her sweet run of spanking excellence was of course our very own Clare Fonda. Obviously this has the largest impact on me personally, but I would like to guess that Clare was as big a spanking star as anyone out there – so it is a loss for all of us. The above photo was from her last ever scene, which is running on My Spanking Roommate. Clare took one last shot at crying in a scene for this one. She has been known to shed tears unmatched by most.
This scene really didn’t turn out to be the sobbing type she had perfected, however. Maybe because there is a mixture of sadness, but also of happiness – to finally move on to pursue other goals. 12 years is a LOT of spanking time!!!
I have sent some questions to Clare and she has promised me that in a few weeks she will check in with what she has been up to lately – so look for an interview from Clare on this blog soon.
Goodbye to all the models that left the biz in 2012!! You will be missed.