I have been discussing several possible customs in the last few weeks, most of them now looking like they won’t go into production. Some are really good ideas, but the producer bails for some reason (possibly finance related – ie he’s broke). Others are not really something I can use on the sites.

Emily Parker and Jenna Ashley show off arguing skills
But one custom now playing on Girl Spanks Girl is quite excellent and was a blast to shoot. Emily Parker and Jenna Ashley both are quite good at adlibbing and taking off from the sound structure created by the Custom Producer.

Emily gets spanked on her jeans first.
The two are playing young daughters who come home from college and are acting up in front of their mother (played beautifully by Snow Mercy). Both girls end up getting old fashioned spankings of course.

Wasn’t easy to stage this accident
You should definitely check out the Outtakes because there was lots of extra dialogue that needed to be trimmed because these two over-embraced the idea of arguing and name calling (get to the spanking already) and a key moment that requires the girls to get physical and knock a wine glass into mom was challenging to capture.

Tight jeans look lovely over mom’s knee
The spankings begin over the jeans in Part One of the saga, which is a sometimes very popular spanking niche.

Jenna Ashley gets sore for real in her first ever spanking shoot
In Part Two, the girls are spanked on their already sore spanked bottoms (which is definitely true in this instance especially with Jenna, who was shooting her first ever spanking scene). In fact, Jenna kept rubbing her bottom and saying how difficult it was for her to sit throughout the shoot. So enjoy this shot in which they had to pull their tight jeans up over their curvy, freshly spanked bottoms. That’s some real pain right there.

Tight jeans pulled up over freshly spanked bums
I’ll blog again about this shoot when Part 2 gets released.