by admin on Jan.22, 2011, under Spanking

The other day I was editing the photos from a shoot when I happened upon Clare Fonda making a funny face. I never really thought about this (don’t ask me why) but Clare makes A LOT of interesting (okay funny) faces during a shoot. Well they are not just funny.
She’s an excellent actress and is very expressive – so most fit the scene she is in perfectly. I think that’s what makes her one of the best tops out there. She also mixes up her look.
The other day I was watching a clip from a site that I have never shot for, but do enjoy watching. They were featuring the top they use for a large percentage of their shoots. She was making pretty much the same expression she always makes.
So now I feel lucky that I get to shoot the very expressive Clare. So without spending too much effort tracking down the funniest faces Clare has made, I dug up some random face shots from recent shoots and put them all in the montage above. Hope you enjoy!
:Clare Fonda, faces of spanking
January 23rd, 2011 on 2:14 am
wow I love this collage you put together!
An awesome montage. You nailed it, the expressiveness and dynamic of Clare…is a beauty to behold. I also really love that, of course, she has a wonderful sense of humor and is very funny.
January 23rd, 2011 on 11:30 am
I believe the secret to be successful at acting is to have little or no inhibitions – and that is Clare. Of course you are right on about the sense of humor. Clare can be hilarious! I always look forward to working with her.
January 23rd, 2011 on 8:46 pm
January 24th, 2011 on 6:42 pm
As we said- not only ins the variety of faces frightening the changes in hair color are enough to make a gay man say “Chill out, bitch!’ C-man you have some good ones. Eve Howard said in the recent Shadowlane shoot, “You pull some wacky faces. Please forgive me for running the pictures!”
January 24th, 2011 on 7:09 pm
Clare – if you mean “ruining” the pictures – you could NEVER do that. But maybe you did mean “running” the pictures. You could do that.
January 24th, 2011 on 8:39 pm
haha well i do top from the bottom.. she meant she was gonna use em no matter how silly they looked. I told her it was okay to publish ANY picture of me unless I had a tampon string hanging out
January 24th, 2011 on 8:39 pm
and that’s why they call me one of Bob’s Classy Ladies (Titty bar in Reseda)
January 25th, 2011 on 11:00 am
Clare makes great vids with you and beautiful young spankee girls ,best from tim .
January 26th, 2011 on 2:07 am
Thanks Tim.