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Archive for July 13th, 2010

Spanking Fantasy

by on Jul.13, 2010, under spanking in the news

Anna ChapmanAnna Chapmananna3.JPG
Most of you have probably heard of Anna Chapman, the lady who was kicked out of the United States – back to Russia, because she is supposedly a spy.  If you are really into spanking, perhaps you often hear a news story like this, involving a young, attractive woman who is in trouble – not the really big kind of trouble that leaves you shocked – but more like the kind that makes you think of a scenario you might have heard of or seen in a spanking video. 
This Anna Chapman story is a classic – soon to be copied in the adult fantasy industry.  Can’t you hear it now – (since it is my blog – the “punisher” is female)  a stern woman says “Anna, we have proof that you are a spy.”  Anna says “Please, Miss, I won’t do it again.  Please, I’ll do ANYTHING if you let me stay in this country.”  Next thing you know Anna is over the woman’s knee getting a hard spanking.  Maybe she even gets paddled.  The perfect casting would be Annabelle Lee as Anna Chapman, an uncanny look-alike seen in an above photo from Girl Spanks Girl
By the way, if we think this fantasy is way out there, here is a News Story that discusses how kinky Anna Chapman might be – including her being into whipping.
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