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Archive for July, 2011

Spanking Soap Opera Hits the Classroom

by on Jul.27, 2011, under Spanked school girls


Last year, while shooting Exclusive Education 5, we also shot a scene for My Spanking Roommate.  The idea was to work it into the spanking soap opera and release it shorty before shooting the next big school girl scene for Girl Spanks Girl. 

It is currently running on My Spanking Roommate, which gives fans of big schoolgirl scenes a chance to revisit some old spanking friends like Sarah Gregory, Kat St. James, Lindsay and so on.  

Looking back on it, I’m not sure how we managed to squeeze this scene in amid all the madness of 13 ladies running around spanking each other, but the hope is to do something similar when we shoot the next big school girl epic next month.  Wish us luck.

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How Real A Spanking Scene is Depends on the SPANKER

by on Jul.18, 2011, under Spanking

Veronica Ricci spanked

I read a post from a female spanko on Fetlife recently in which she was complaining about how spanking videos looked unrealistic.  She said she was young (and Mormon) and so I am assuming that she hadn’t seen very many spanking videos. 

Of course I have filmed and viewed thousands, so speaking from experience, most spanking scenes shot for spanking sites are in fact real spankings.  Just ask the model getting spanked if she thought it was real or not.  Now I have viewed some scenes, the majority of these being on clips4sale, where it is a non-spanking site trying some spanking scenes. 

They don’t know and/or care about how believeable the spanking is, so they get a couple of models who spank each other lightly.  I suspect this is the sort of thing our Mormon friend stumbled onto.  I would make a rough estimate that about 90% of the spanking scenes I have shot were what I would consider real spankings.  Maybe they don’t always look hard, but the spankee is taking it as hard as she can and her reactions are real. 

In the 10% of cases where I don’t consider the scene to be real, it comes from the spanker not being able to spank the other model as hard as she can take it.  If a model is not being spanked as hard as she can (or at least in that ball park) then she is either not reacting, or faking her reactions.  Bummer when this happens.    But some ladies just can’t spank hard enough – either due to phsyical or mental limitations. 

In the above photo, Veronica Ricci is using some cream to help keep her bottom from bruising too much.  We shot her recently getting spanked by Clare Fonda and Missy Rhodes.  Veronica is so sweet and gentle, she had to be taught by Clare how to spank hard enough. 

There is a clip where she spanks Clare on Hot Girls Spanked.  And the most recent clip has her spanking Missy Rhodes.  Veronica is surprisingly strong, so it was her mental barrier that Clare had to break through.  “It’s okay to spank me hard.”  Glad to report that Vernica could deliver.

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The Girl Next Store Could Be a Porn Star

by on Jul.11, 2011, under Spanking, Spanking Interviews

Shay Golden SpankedShay GoldenShay Golden Spanked

As a teenager, I had this idea that porn stars were somehow different than “normal” people.  They probably never spoke to guys like me.  If they did, they would sound different.  Talk in some oddly strange sexual voice and only talk about sex.  Maybe they walked differntly, only ate long, weird vegetables or bananas.  I don’t know.  I’m not really sure what I thought. 

When I started shooting spanking scenes in the late 1990s, I was told by many spankos that you don’t use “porn” models for spanking shoots.  They don’t mix.  Well I have been shooting many adult models lately for spanking scenes, and I am here to tell you a “behind the curtain” revelation. 

Porn stars are just normal people who talk about normal stuff.  Where they like to buy clothes.  Some guy they have been dating.  What movies they like.  They sound normal.  Their laughs are normal.  They can eat hamburgers and walk like everyone else.

Shay Golden, who was shot recently for Spanked Sweeties, is very much like the cute girl next door.  She even has this shy giggle that you’d hear in some mainstream romantic comedy.  No tatoos.  Athletic build.  If you sat next to her in an airport, you’d think “cute girl.”  Without some cheesey bam chicka bawm bawm music playing, you’d never know she was an adult actress. 

Part of the misconception, in my opinion, is seeing these girls on “porn” sites, with too much make up on, photos touched up so much that the features of their faces are lost and then all models look the same.  

The great thing about the Sweeties site, is that when you hear someone like Shay interviewed, you get to hear how she is so earthy, sweet, funny.  Maybe just like the cute girl who lives next store to you.  Only this one is capable of taking a mega-hard spanking (see photos above – with facial features intact).  So the advice I got so long ago about not shooting adult models for spanking scenes was bad.  Porn stars often are fantastic for spanking shoots.  Shay Golden is on par with any spanking model I have ever filmed.

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Spanks on the 4th of July

by on Jul.04, 2011, under spanked girlfriends


I have included a montage of shots from the 4th of July episode presently running on My Spanking Roommate.  It was a pretty hilarious episode to film.  Sophie Nova is British and didn’t know a lot about the 4th of July.  So that was incorporated into the scene and Hollie Stevens spanks her making her say things like “America rules, Brittan drools.”

But what kicks off the spanking is Sophie lighting a firecracker under Hollie’s ass.  Hollie was a little nervious about this (with good cause), but totally up for having the firecracker go off under her bottom.  However, due to technical difficulties, it didn’t actual go off, more like fizzled.  So a sound effect had to be added in post. 

Sorry, better luck next year for those who want to witness an actual explosion under a hot girl’s bootie. 

There is lots of spanking, hand and hair brush, so hopefully that makes up for the explosion free gag.  In any case, hope you all have a Happy 4th of July and enjoy the irony of shooting a 4th of July scene with Brittish and American hotties spanking each other. 

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